2. Would you have it any other way?
No, I certainly couldn't be a stay at home mum as I don't feel like a natural mother. I struggle to cope with J full time at home so find I'm a better mum for having time away from him.
3. Do you co-sleep?
No though I have brought J into our bed once or twice if I can't settle him.
4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?
I would say now the sleeping bags, in the beginning J was too small for them.
5. How many kids do you plan on having?
Just 1, I don't think I could cope with more than one and not sure I could go through pregnancy or labour again.
6. Date night? How many per month?
We do have them occasionally maybe once every couple of months. I know we need to make more of an effort, but I like doing things as a family. Hubby and I are lucky J is in bed by probably 6 every night so we get most evenings to our selves.
7. Your child’s favourite show?
I don't really let J watch children's TV so he doesn't have a favorite show.
8. Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?
I would say the cot quilt. I was lucky I was given a very good list by a good friend so I mainly only brought what she suggested. I found this lovely cot bumper from Laura Ashley and decided I had to have the cot quilt that matched. It was in the cot until the day moved into the room then it got removed.
9. Your child’s favourite food?
J likes most things so not sure he has a favourite food at the moment. Though he does love yogurts.
10. How many cars does your family have?
Just the one our lovely white BMW 1 series
11. Weight before, during and after pregnancy and now?
I was skinny before pregnancy, during I put on 3 stone, after I've managed to loss 2 have just over a stone left now. I have been back on weight watchers since August last year, I do need to get focused now to loss the last bit.
12. Dream holiday with your kids?
Has to be Disney Florida. I love it there and I've always wanted to take my child their
13. Dream holiday without your kids?
Maldives! Wither I get there or not is another thing. Though I can't see us going away for more than a night or 2 any time in the next 10 years without J
14. How has your life changed since having babies?
There is no longer just me and hubby. I have to think about another person and the fact we have to teach him everything. My life is slightly more stressful but also more fulfilled and happy than it was if that makes sense. I can't imagine life with out J now. I also said he would have to fit into our lives which he does mostly but we are tied to when he has to be feed, go to bed etc
15. Finish the sentence: ‘It makes my heart melt to see……?’
J smiling at me no matter how I feel that smile makes everything ok.
16. Where do you shop for your kids?
H&M, Gap, mothercare and anywhere that has a decent sale on.
17. Favourite make up and skin care products?
I love N7 moisturiser, the boots face wipes and my touché Eclat
18. Huggies or Pampers?
Can I say neither? I prefer Aldi but if I have to choose it would be Pampers
19. Have you always wanted kids?
Yes, but I was never really ready until the year after I split from my ex. he had wanted kids so I promised him we would try the yr after we got married. Things went pair shape with that relationship then I meet my hubby.
20. Best part about being a mum?
Watching my little boy grow and develop into a little person