So I haven't actually written a post about J and his progress since he was 3 weeks old. He's already changed so much in such a sort time and is learning more and more every day. He comfortable sleeps through the night most nights. I'm really not sure how that happened really, at about 4-5 weeks old he started not to wake for his 10pm feed and over a few days I stopped waking him. He continued to wake at about 2 am for a week or so but at about 8 weeks or so he stopped waking. So now he goes to bed about 6pm and sleeps through until about 7am not sure how he does it.
In the last week or so I've started weaning him. I thought long and hard about how I was going to do it and after a conversation with a few people, hubby and I have decided on the purée route. This means mashing up fruit and veg and us feeding it to him. Cow and Gate have produced a very good 5 step weaning plan so I have decided to follow that. It starts by introducing 1 fruit or vegetable a day. So far it seems to be going ok, he like something's more than others and I can soon tell the items he doesn't like as much as he ends up wearing most of it.
Entertainment wise well I've been taking J to Water Babies which he seems to love, I've continued to meet up with my NCT girls on a Wednesday so he always gets to play with the other babies that day and then more recently I've been taking J to Baby sensory. I'd 1st taken him when he was a month or so old and was so not ready for it but now he seems to really enjoy it.
He's only just growing out of his size 0-3 items so I've started washing of the the 3-6 month items. It's funny how like women's clothing baby clothing sizes varies so much in the different stores. With dropping down to statory maternity pay I've been trying to look for some bargains. So not only have I been buying a few of my favorite expensive brands off eBay I've also been to a few NCT sales and also visiting my local supermarkes who are great for tracksuit trousers and t-shirts.
I wonder what the next 21 weeks will hold?
I wonder what the next 21 weeks will hold?
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